Federation of World Peace and Love

International Day of Peace
~ Building a Bridge of Conscience ~
“Shaping Peace Together”


“The fury of the virus illustrates the folly of war.”
~ UN Secretary-General António Guterres

“Peace is not a noun, but a verb. Peace is not a slogan, but action.”
~ Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 
President of Federation of World Peace and Love 
Vice-President of Association of World Citizens 
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men 
Sep. 21, 2020

The International Day of Peace was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, and the UN declared it as a day of non-violence and cease-fire in 2001. All countries and people are encouraged to stop hostilities on this day and commemorate the day through education and public awareness-raising activities related to the theme of peace to foster the ideals of peace. 

This year, we face the unprecedented global public health crisis, which has destabilized the global economy, caused serious negative social impacts, plunged the world into huge chaos, and adversely affected the lives of billions of people around the world. The novel coronavirus has cruelly reminded us that the world needs genuine cooperation. Only with multinational, cross-sectoral, and cross-generational solidarity and cooperation, can humanity overcome this crisis.

The year 2020 has brought humanity daunting challenges. Excessive consumption of resources has caused climate change and degradation in ecosystems. When the coexistence between humans and microorganisms becomes unbalanced, the risk of viral disease epidemics gradually increases. Additionally, humanity’s neglect has led to a global catastrophe and produced negative effects on global peace. Not only has the pandemic undermined the social and economic achievements over the past few years, but also caused political turmoil and international tensions, which has made disturbances and conflicts around the world become the norm, exacerbated humanitarian crises, and threatened the survival and livelihood of global citizens. The global atmosphere of fear and mistrust will eventually endanger relations among nations and among peoples and hinder any possible dialogue. At this critical juncture, there is a need for dialogue among nations around the world and an even more urgent need for global solidarity and cooperation to deal with mankind’s common issues together.

Peace involves every aspect of people’s lives, and social peace is the reflection of the political and economic arenas. Everyone has the right to express different opinions and ideas about various topics, including religion, democracy, and human rights. Governments of all countries should respect the values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. World peace requires the participation of all countries. For the future of global citizens and the future of the world, everyone on this planet needs courage, confidence, and determination to face challenges in order to maintain freedom, order, and democracy. We are interdependent and members of the human family. Only when we all take responsibility and work together for our common future can there be real peace.

2020 is a year of listening and learning. The United Nations is committed to strengthening dialogue and collecting ideas. Together, we share how we should get through difficulties, heal and improve our planet, and build a peaceful and prosperous future. 

2020 is a year of global dialogue. Selfless conscience enables people to focus on more ambitious goals, work for the well-being of all mankind, promote more effective communication among people and among nations, and create partnerships dedicated to a sustainable world. 
Conscience is the highest common code of conduct for mankind. It transcends the differences in skin color, gender, language, and belief and unites our hearts together. Only by awakening global citizens’ innate conscience and acting in accordance with conscience and wisdom can we solve endless global problems, save the wounded Earth, and create a world of peace and happiness.

Let us unite our hearts, repair the world, and jointly stop acts of discrimination or hatred. Let us celebrate the International Day of Peace by passing on love and kindness and spreading infinite hope. Let us build a bridge of conscience and shape peace together.

*Presented at the ICDAY’s virtual event in support of UN International Day of Peace