The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion held the 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Safe Communities at the Taipei International Convention Center from October 20 to 22, 2005. Experts from more than 20 countries participated in the conference to discuss issues...
After warmly received by members of FOWPAL, Ruth and Chris watched the film “We are One World.” Ruth admired FOWPAL’s efforts of spreading the spirit of love and peace around the world. However, she was puzzled by people’s willingness and commitments. She mentioned that Nigerian people are...
2005 World Summits of Love and Peace In response to the UN Reform
Year 2005 is the United Nation’s 60th anniversary. Secretary General Kofi Annan specially invited heads of state from around the world to discuss ways of reaching the Millennium Development Goals. With an aim to commemorating the UN 60 years, the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), Tai Ji...
The 30th Anniversary Report of the Association of World Citizens
Year 2005 was the 30 th anniversary of UN/NGO Association of World Citizens (AWC). With an eye to continuing peace achievements in the past years, Association of World Citizens, International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) and Tai Ji...