I wish for a lasting peace.
I wish to everyone good luck, peace, and prosperity.
I wish for peace and prosperity for Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the world.
Our wisdom will open the way to peace.
Tranquility and peace.
"May the incredible strength of peace spread throughout the world"
Che le persone possano riscoprire il desiderio di un impegno attivo e responsabile verso la politica e la cosa pubblica per poter essere protagonisti del cambiamento di cui il mondo ha necessità.
May people rediscover the desire for an active and responsible engagement with politics and public affairs, so that they can become the protagonists of the change the world needs.
The world remembers eminent persons such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, for their quest for worldwide global peace. Today dream a world of Justice, peace and liberty are the milestone of every human endeavor. In God, we find peace and love.
Peace is foundation of satisfaction, fulfillment and achievements. Let’s live in peace and love for long years.
I wish for peace for all, the world people of all.