Federation of World Peace and Love

International Day of Friendship
A Network of Conscience and Friendship to
Safeguard World Peace



Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Vice President of the Association of World Citizens,
NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Associated with the UN DPI
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
July 30, 2024



Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Day!

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly designated July 30 as the “International Day of Friendship Day,” encouraging people to transcend borders and cultural barriers to establish relationships of mutual trust, respect, and friendship, thereby promoting global peace and development. The resolution emphasizes the importance of involving young people, who are the future leaders, in community activities. These activities include cultural exchanges, promoting international understanding, and respecting diversity.

The younger generation is rich in creativity, strong in learning ability, and highly inclusive. With proper guidance, they can manifest the truest and most beautiful aspects of human kindness. By implementing conscience education, we can foster friendship and benevolence, leading to friendly interactions between nations, deepening mutual understanding, enhancing unity and cooperation, and facilitating reconciliation. This will be a crucial foundational project for resolving international conflicts, promoting the common progress of humanity, and accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Healthy friendships possess a moral essence, the transmission of love, and a foundation of peace, which can develop a positive cycle of trust, communication, and mutual assistance. When individuals, families, and societies have citizens with conscience and healthy friendships, creating social harmony and maintaining world peace will naturally follow.

Today, various global crises pose numerous challenges to peace, security, development, and social harmony among the people of different nations. These issues require human solidarity to resolve, and friendship is the most powerful and straightforward way to achieve this. The beauty of music, art, and culture can awaken the inherent goodness within human hearts, thereby building bridges of friendship. Since 1999, I have led the “Cultural Goodwill Group of the Federation of World Peace and Love” to 104 countries worldwide. Through cultural exchanges, summits, and ceremonies of ringing “the Bell of World Peace and Love” we have connected people from different countries, races, faiths, and cultures, fostering precious friendships and uniting peace-loving individuals globally to strive for a safe and sustainable future. Our global peace actions have become a positive influence transcending borders, races, and beliefs, representing the most beautiful aspect of human friendship.

With the development of technology, friendships have also been established across various technological platforms. The authenticity, accuracy, and benevolence of online information can have a global impact in an instant. In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence has been flourishing. Upholding conscience and ethical standards to create a balance between the mind and technology, while maintaining love, understanding, tolerance, and respect between individuals, is my sincerest appeal on the International Day of Friendship. I hope that we can jointly protect the essence of the International Day of Friendship, using cultural exchange to bridge connections across borders, establishing a safety net for everyone, and promoting global peace and prosperity. Let humanity unite for the greater good and higher benefits.

In everyone’s heart, there are expectations for the world. Ideals and beliefs need to be realized through action and courage. In November 2022, I issued the “Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope,” calling on people to act with conscience and power of hope for world safety and sustainable development. Where there is hope, there is power; with power, success follows. We pray that through sincere friendship between individuals, using love and conscience to promote a culture of peace, we can realize our power of hope through concrete actions. Let us establish a lasting and stable world order, build a network of conscience to safeguard global peace, and create a sustainable future for all living beings.

Best wishes to everyone! Thank you all!