Federation of World Peace and Love

World Mental Health Day
Conscience is the key to enhance Overall Health


Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Vice President of the Association of World Citizens,
NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Associated with the UN DPI
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
October 10, 2023


Distinguished guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, good day!

Established by the World Federation for Mental Health in 1992, the 10th of October marks the observance of World Mental Health Day, a day dedicated to global awareness, understanding and open discussion about mental health, and facing the mental health issues with proactive and positive attitude.  This year, the official theme “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right” reiterates that the respect for human rights shouldn’t be differentiated due to individual background or culture, and that mental health issues requires inclusion, empathy and a broad support system.

According to WHO statistics, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.  In the post pandemic era, the world is facing the long-term impact of the pandemic on mental health. Beyond the pandemic, the frequent occurrence of climate disasters, the prominent threat of war, coupled with social polarization, economic instability, social unsettlement and technological anxieties, etc., generate all sorts of pressures that can easily trigger people's inner fears and insecurities, resulting in a serious imbalance of physical and mental health.

The global community is in dire need of positive energy. With positive actions, we work together to look after each other's mental health, which in turn promotes the overall health and harmony of human society. Many countries have seen significant increases in resources allocated to mental health in education, healthcare and insurance; however, they have not been able to keep up with the rate of deterioration in mental health around the world. The world needs to be proactive and think about addressing the root causes.

For nearly 60 years, I have dedicated my time to promoting the physical, mental and spiritual health of the world.  Through teaching qigong, methods of internal-reflection and self-cultivation, I have guided people to achieve physical and mental balance, to learn enlightenment and wisdom in the daily practice of love and conscience, and to obtain peace of mind and harmony in mind and body.

"Heart" is the master of the mind, body and spirit and Qi is the essence of everything. Both affect our life internally and externally. When our mind is disturbed by external factors, we are prone to emotional fluctuations such as agitation, anger, depression, anxiety, sadness, fear, panic, etc., and these emotions will affect our immediate and long-term physical health.  The Tao philosophy refers to the unity of heaven, earth and man, and attaches importance to harmony among man, heaven and earth, and harmony between man and the nature, in order to achieve the perfect state of coexistence and co-prosperity.  This is the philosophy of sustainable development and the fundamental way to achieve comprehensive health.  “All things follow the Law of Nature; the Origin of Heaven, Earth and Human Beings are one.”  The "Law of Nature" is "conscience"!

Conscience is deeply embedded in everyone's heart, guiding people in the direction of righteousness and goodness, so that we don't give up our chances of survival through despair, and that we empathise with and help others in the midst of suffering.  When every world citizen jointly initiates the wave of conscience, regardless their social status, starting from the individual and expanding to the family, school, and society, a healthy living environment and a social safety net will naturally be constructed.  In this way, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals 3 "Good Health and Well-being", which is to "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages", can be achieved through the awakening of people's conscience and concerted endeavours.

I sincerely call on the world to recognize the importance of mental health and learn to live with an open, tolerant and inclusive attitude to implement "Mental Health is a Universal Human Right" in daily lives.  What is vitally important is to activate the fundamental preventive measures, which starts with one-minute of meditation, focused on self-reflection and appreciation every day, and aids to awaken the conscience we are all born with, calmly and peacefully. Through daily cultivation to nourish our mind and qi, we will be able to restore the balance of our body and mind.

The key to mental health is "internal and external balance". By going to the root of the heart and keeping it clear, supplemented by practicing qi and cultivating the heart, we can eliminate diseases and calm the mind, allowing us to maintain serenity and stability in a turbulent environment, facing challenges with a smile, doing good deeds and helping others at all times, and spreading positive energy everywhere. May the world be guided by conscience and everyone help each other to enhance all-round health, promote the well-being of all, and build a sustainable global village together!

Thank you all!