FOWPAL Honorary member, Mr. Rene Wadlow
Senior Vice President, UN NGO Association of World Citizens
Representative to the United Nations, Geneva (on the left), register together with young FOWPAL member from LA (in the middle) for 64 th UN DPI/NGO Conference in Bonn, Germany.


All the NGO participants gather together in the lobby before the conference starts.


UN NGO representatives from Foundation for subjective experience and research (S.E.R. Foundation Germany) happily greet with FOWPAL member (on the right), friendly smile and love bring our hearts together.


Mr. Michael Sean Selfridge, FOWPAL Director of Communications, actively shares FOWPAL points of view in panel discussion at the 64th UN DPI/ NGO Conference.


The participants of 64 th NGO Conference attentively listen to the sharing of FOWPAL Director of Communications, Mr. Michael Selfridge.


The bloom of hope fly over the sky of Bonn Germany after the tree planting ceremony attended by Global Important leaders such as Mr. Kiyo Akasaka (third on the left), Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, and Dr. Hong Tao-Tze (second on the right)


13 years old Felix Finkbiner who started “planting a tree” project 4 years ago at school has sent out a strong message of “Don't Talk, Just Act” at the tree planting ceremony during the 64 th NGO conference.


President of FOWPAL, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, presents an important collection of essays published through out all UN conference over years to Mr. Felix Dodds
Chair, 64th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference


FOWPAL members are having a good time with the young volunteers of 64 th NGO conference at Mayor of Bonn reception party.


Mr. Divino Roberto Verissimo, President of OPA, Organization for Environmental Preservation, Brazil and FOWPAL Honorary Member flies all the way from Brazil to Germany to meet with Dr. Hong.


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