




Mr.Divino Roberto Verissimo, President of Organization for Environmental Preservation in Brazil rang the bell of peace


Important NGO leaders from all fields gather together to share the valuable experiences among each other to strive for the sustainable development of the world.


Guests arrivning to attend the World Summit of Love and Peace on Sustainable Development.


Dr. Lisinka Ulatowska, UN Representative of UN NGO Association of World Citizens, (on the left) has been a close friend of FOWPAL and Dr, Hong for more than 10 years.


Dr. Hong (on the left) and Ms. Elisabeth, UN Representative of Women's Federation for World Peace International in Austraia (in the center) are the keynote speakers at the summit.


All the participants enjoyed the one-minute meditation to transmit the positive energy around the earth.


A DVD is played to call on people's actions to protect our earth.





The conference room is packed with NGO friends around the world.


One-minute meditation with good thoughts in our hearts can spread positive energy of loving oneself, family, and people around the world.